
Join SciNet

How do I join?


You can apply for membership to SciNet if:

  • You are responsible for managing a research project and the employees involved in the project.
  • Your research is carried over into your teaching.
  • You have raised your own third party funding.


Young scientists who don´t supervise a research group but are expected to attain their habilitation or something equivalent as part of their official duties can also apply for membership.


Other groups of people, such as tenured  university professors may not apply for membership.


In order to become a member, you must submit a written application to the Board.



Associate Members


The Board may appoint associate members from the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg or external academic researchers (primarily from the region) for a duration of up to 3 years in oder to further promote the goals of SciNet.




SciNet Sekretariat

Vertungsweise Andreas Hartmann

0761 203 3520


Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge